Stoneridge is the new home community located along the San Joaquin River, just a few miles north of Fresno and is the perfect community to move into. Adventurous spirits will thrive here at Stoneridge as they'll find access to hiking trails, bike paths and so much more in their own backyard. To capture the adventurous outdoor qualities of this new home community I incorporated the trails and pathways into the logo. If you look closely at the icon you'll see shapes that curve into an S, this represents the San Joaquin river and hiking trails Stoneridge offers. To further continue that concept of outdoors I featured a real topographical map for texture and realism. The 'S' paths are enclosed in a classic house shape with foliage on the side to capture all of the outdoor features Stoneridge as to offer in one central logo. The centralized concept and all the aspects inside could potentially symbolize Stoneridge being the center place you could call, home.